2014 m. sausio 8 d., trečiadienis

16 sveikatai pliusu is silto vandens su citrina gerimo/16 HEALTH BENEFITS OF DRINKING WARM LEMON WATER

16 sveikatai privalumu is silto vandenio su citrina gerimo 


CITRINOS yra vitaminu C turtingi vaisiai, kurie padidins tavo grozi, atnaujinant tavo oda is vidaus ir padarant tavo veida svytinti. Dar vienas didelis sveikatai privalumas is gerimo citrinini vandeni yra tas, kad ji padeda greiciau mesti svori, taigi yra puiki svorio metimo priemone.

Lemons are vitamin C rich citrus fruits that enhance your beauty, by rejuvenating skin from within bringing a glow to your face. One of the major health benefits of drinking lemon water is that it paves way for losing weight faster, thus acting as a great weight loss remedy. 

Citrinu vanduo isplauna toksinus ir yra ypac naudinga kunui.

Lemon water flushes out toxins and is extremely beneficial for the body.

Siltas citrinu vanduo yra idealus gero ryto gerimas, nes jis gydo virskinimo sistema ir padeda lengviau pasalinti atliekas is organizmo. Tai apsaugo nuo viduriu uzkietejimo, diarejos problemu, uztikrinant sklandzias zarnyno funkcijas.

Warm lemon water serves as the perfect ‘good morning drink’, as it aids the digestive system and makes the process of eliminating the waste products from the body easier. It prevents the problem of constipation and diarrhea, by ensuring smooth bowel functions.

Mitybos verte is citrinu

Nutritional Value Of Lemons

Stikline citrinu sulciu turi maziau nei 25 kalorijas. Tai puikus saltinis maistiniu medziagu, pavyzdziui, Kalcio, Potasiumo, Vit.C ir pektino skaidulu. Taip pat tai turi gydomuju vertybiu ir antibakteriniu savybiu. Taip pat jame yra gelezies ir vit.A.

A glass of lemon juice contains less than 25 calories. It is a rich source of nutrients like calcium, potassium, vitamin C and pectin fiber. It also has medicinal values and antibacterial properties. It also contains traces of iron and vitamin A. 

Citrina, vaisius populiarus del savo gydomuju savybiu, padedantis islaikyti jusu imunine sistema ir tokiu budu daugeliu atveju apsaugo nuo visokio tipo infekciju. Jis taip pat vaidina kraujo valomaji vaidmeni. Citrina yra nuostabus antiseptikas ir citrinu vanduo taip pat nuostabus zmonems turintiems sirdies problemu, del turejimo dideli kalio kieki. Taigi padarykime tai kaip dali dienos rutinos gerima - silta citrinos vandens gerima ryte ir megaukimes jo sveikatai naudingumu.

Lemon, a fruit popular for its therapeutic properties, helps maintain your immune system and thus, protects you from the clutches of most types of infections. It also plays the role of a blood purifier. Lemon is a fabulous antiseptic and lime-water juice also works wonders for people having heart problems, owing to its high potassium content. So, make it a part of your daily routine to drink a glass of warm lemon water in the morning and enjoy its health benefits. 

16 Sveikatai Privalumu Is Silto Citrinu Vandens Gerimo

16 Health Benefits Of Drinking Warm Lemon Water

  • Citrinos yra idealus ir turtingas vit.C saltinis, svarbi maistine medziaga, kuri apsaugo kuna nuo imunines sistemos trukumu
  • Lemon is an excellent and rich source of vitamin C, an essential nutrient that protects the body against immune system deficiencies
  • Citrinose yra pektino skaidulu kurios labai naudingos gaubtines zarnos sveikatai ir taip pat duoda galinga kieki antibakteriju
  • Lemons contain pectin fiber which is very beneficial for colon health and also serves as a powerful antibacterial
  • Tai balansuoja musu pH laipsni kune
  • It balances maintain the pH levels in the body 
  • Geriant anksti ryte citrinu sulciu vandeni isvalomi toksinai lauk
  • Having warm lemon juice early in the morning helps flush out toxins
  • Gydo virskinimo sistema ir skatina tulzies gamyba
  • It aids digestion and encourages the production of bile
  • Tai taip pat puikus saltinis citrinu rugsties, potasiumo, kalcio, fosforo ir magnio
  • It is also a great source citric acid, potassium, calcium, phosphorus and magnesium
  • Tai padeda apsaugoti nuo bakteriju, kurios sukelia infekcijas ir ligas augimo ir dauginimosi
  • It helps prevent the growth and multiplication of pathogenic bacteria that cause infections and diseases
  • Padeda sumazinti skausma ir uzdegima sanariuose ir keliuose, nes tirpdo slapimo rugsti
  • It helps reducing pain and inflammation in joints and knees as it dissolves uric acid
  • Padeda gydyt persalima
  • It helps cure the common cold
  • Kalio kiekis citrinose padeda maitinti smegenis ir nervu lasteles
  • The potassium content in lemon helps nourish brain and nerve cells
  • Stiprina kepenis teikiant energija kepenu fermentams kai jie yra per daug praskiesti
  • It strengthens the liver by providing energy to the liver enzymes when they are too dilute
  • Padeda subalansuoti kalio ir deguonis laipsni kepenyse. Jauciant per dideli skrandzio rugstinguma gali padeti stikline citrinu sulciu vandens
  • It helps balance the calcium and oxygen levels in the liver In case of a heart burn, taking a glass of concentrated lemon juice can give relief
  • Tai yra nepaprastai naudinga odai ir apsaugo nuo rauksliu ir spuogu susidarymo
  • It is of immense benefit to the skin and it prevents the formation of wrinkles and acne
  • Padeda palaikyti sveikas akis ir kovoja su akiu problemomis
  • It helps maintain the health of the eyes and helps fight against eye problems
  • Padeda virskinimo sulciu gamyboje
  • Aids in the production of digestive juices
  • Citrinu sultys padeda praturtinti organizma druskomis po itemptu treniruociu
  • Lemon juice helps replenish body salts especially after a strenuous workout session
Del viso to gerio, pradekime savo diena su stikline silto citrinu sulciu vandens. Tai valantis ir gydantis poveikis, turintis pozityvu poveiki musu sveikatai ilgalaikeje perspektyvoje. Taciau verta pamineti, kad labai svarbu, kad citrinu sultys kontaktuodamos tiesiogiai su dantimis gali sugadinti dantu emali. Taigi patartina jas vartoti praskiestas ir gerai praskalauti burna po citrinu sulciu gerimo.

Packed with all the goodness, make it a point to begin your day with a glass of warm lemon juice. Its cleansing and healing effects will have positive effects on your health in the long run. However it is very important to note that lemon juice when comes directly in contact with the teeth, can ruin the enamel on the teeth. Hence, it is advised to consume it diluted and also rinse your mouth thoroughly after drinking lemon juice.

Source: http://www.undergroundhealth.com... Food matters