2013 m. balandžio 12 d., penktadienis

Aliejaus kramtymas - geras iprotis galintis pakeisti jusu sveikata /Oil pulling - the habbit that can transform your health

Aliejaus traukimas - geras iprotis, galintis transformuoti jusu sveikata / Oil pulling - the habbit that can transform your health

By Dr. Edward F. Group III, DC, ND, DACBN, DABFM
Pagal daktara Edvarda F.Group III

Oil pulling is an ancient Ayurvedic remedy for oral health and detoxification. It involves the use of pure oils as agents for pulling harmful bacteria, fungus, and other organisms out of the mouth, teeth, gums and even throat.Aliejaus kramtymas tai senoves Ajurvedinis vaistas burnos sveikatai ir detoksikacijai. I ji ieina grynu alieju naudojimas kaip istraukimas is burnos, dantu, dantenu ir net gerkles blogu bakteriju, grybeliu ir kitu organizmu.

How To Oil Pull / Kaip istraukti su aliejumi

The most effective oil pulling is done by placing around a tablespoon of cold pressed organic sesame oil into the mouth and swishing the oil around the mouth for approximately 10-15 minutes and then spitting it out.
Pats efektyviausias aliejaus kramtymas tai mazdaug sauksto saltai spausto aliejaus idejimas i burna ir kramtymas,culpimas apie 10-15min, o po to isspjovimas. Geriausias organinis sezamu aliejus tam. 

Other oils such as extra virgin cold pressed  coconut, sunflower and olive oil have been used, although sesame oil is considered one of the best oils for this practice. I recommend alternating oils every couple of days to get the full benefit. Putting high quality organic oils into the mouth has a multi-effect outcome.
Kiti aliejai, kaip kad auksciausios kokybes saltai spaustas kokosu, saulegrazu ir alyvuogiu aliejus juos taip pat naudojame, nepaisant kad sezamu geriausias aliejus siai praktikai. As rekomenduociau kaitalioti aliejus kas kelias dienas tam kad gauti visa nauda is to. Auksciausios kokybes alieju dejimas i burna turi kaip rezultata multi-efekta.

First, the oils mix with the saliva, turning it into a thin, white liquid. Lipids in the oils begin to pull out toxins from the saliva. As the oil is swished around the mouth, teeth, gums and tongue, the oil continues to absorb toxins, and usually ends up turning thick and viscous and white. Once the oil has reached this consistency, it is spit out before the toxins are reabsorbed.
Pirma, aliejus susimaiso su seilemis, tampa skystenis, baltas skystis. Tada aliejaus lipidai pradeda traukti toksinus is seiliu. Kai aliejus juda aplink burna, dantis, dantenas ir liezuvi, jis sugeria toksinus ir paprastai pabaigoje tampa tirstas ir klampus, ir baltas. Kai tik aliejus pasiekia tokia konsistencija, reikia ji isspjauti kol toksinai nereabsorbavosi.

What Does Oil Pulling Do? / Kaip aliejaus kramtymas veikia

Multiple scientific studies show the efficacy of oil pulling therapy. One study shows that oil pulling with sesame oil can boost overall oral health. Specifically, using sesame oil as an oral health agent helps to reduce the amount of S. mutans (germ) count in both teeth plaque and mouth saliva. Scientists believe that the lipids in the oil both pull out bacteria, as well as stop bacterial from sticking to the walls of the oral cavity.Keli moksliniai tyrimai rodo aliejaus kramtymo terapijos veiksminguma.
Vienas tyrimas rodo kad aliejaus ciulpimas su sezamu aliejumi apskritai gali pagerinti visos burnos sveikata. Konkreciai naudojant sezamu alieju, jis padeda sumazinti burnos bakterijas dantu apnasose ir seilese. Mokslininkai tiki, kad lipidai esantys aliejuje istraukia bakterijas ir sustabdo bakteriju prilipima prie burnos ertmes sieneliu.

Oil pulling may also increase saponification in the mouth, creating a soapy environment that cleanses the mouth as vegetable fat is an emulsifier by nature. Most interesting is perhaps the ability of oil to cleanse out harmful bacteria, as well as reduce fungal overgrowth. These oils also possibly help in cellular restructuring, and are related to the proper functioning of the lymph nodes and other internal organs.
Aliejaus traukimas taip pat gali padidinti muilinima burnoje, sukuriant muiluota aplinka kuri valo burna kaip darzoviu riebalai, kurie yra naturalus gamtos emulsiklis. Labiausiai idomu turbut tai kad aliejus gali isvalyti zalingas bakterijas, kaip ir sumazinti grybeliniu bakteriju dauginimasi. Sie aliejai taip pat gali padeti lasteliu restrukturizavime ir yra susije kad tinkamai veiktu limfmazgiai ir kiti vidiniai organai.

 Other possible benefits of oil pulling for oral health include: / Kiti galimi privalumai burnai ciulpiant alieju:

Overall strengthening of the teeth and gums and jaws / Bendras dantu, dantenu ir zandikauliu stiprinimas
Prevention of diseases of the gums and mouth, such as cavities and gingivitis / Apsauga nuo dantenu ir burnos ligu, kaip kad gingivito ir ertmiu 
Prevention for bad breath / Apsauga nuo blogo kvapo
Potential holistic remedy for bleeding gums / Galimas holistinis gydymas kraujuojancioms dantenoms
Prevention of dryness of the lips, mouth and throat / Prevencija sausu lupu, burnos ir gerkles
Possible holistic treatment for TMJ and general soreness in the jaw area / Galimas holistinis gydymas nuo TMJ ir apskritai skausmo zandikaulio srityje.

Benefits Beyond the Mouth? / Nauda ne tik burnai

Ancient Ayurvedic health practitioners believed that oil pulling could reduce more than just diseases of the mouth and throat. Today, many holistic practitioners tout its use for a variety of health concerns.
Senoves ajurvedos sveikatos specialistai mane, kad aliejaus ciulpimas gali sumazinti ne tik burnos ligas, bet ir gerkles. Siandien daugelis holistiniu specialistu mano, kad tai naudojama nuo ivairiu sveikatos problemu.

It is believed that these oils help the lymphatic system of the body as harmful bacteria are removed and beneficial microflora are given with a healthy environment to flourish. Because of this holistic perspective, oil pulling has been used as a preventative health measure for many other conditions.
Yra tikima, kad sie aliejai padeda limfinei sistemai, nes pasalina kenksmingas bakterijas ir sukuriama tinkama sveika mikroflora. Del siu holistiniu perspektyvu, aliejaus kramtymas yra naudojamas kaip profilaktine sveikatos priemone nuo daugelio kitu salygu.
Other possible benefits of oil pulling for overall health include: / Kiti galimi pliusai sveikatai is aliejaus kramtymo:

Migraine headache relief / Padeda nuo migrenos
Correcting hormone imbalances / Pataiso hormonu disblansa
Reducing inflammation of arthritis / Sumazina artrito uzdegima
May help with gastro-enteritis / Gali pagelbeti nuo gastroenterito (ivairiu infekciniu mikro organizmu sukeltas skarndzio ir plonuju zarnu uzdegimas)
Aids in the reduction of eczema / Padeda sumazinti egzema
May reduce symptoms of bronchitis / Gali sumazinti bronchito simptomus
Helps support normal kidney function / Padeda palaikyti normalia inkstu funkcija
May help reduce sinus congestion / Padeda sumazinti sinusu uzgulima
Some people report improved vision / Kai kuriems padeda pagerinti regejima
Helps reduce insomnia / Padeda sumazinti nemiga
  Reduced hangover after alcohol consumption / Sumazina pagirias po alkoholio vartojimo
Aids in reducing pain / Padeda sumazinti skausma
Reduces the symptoms of allergies / Sumazina alergiju simptomus
Helps detoxify the body of harmful metals and organisms / Padeda detoksikuoti organizma nuo sunkiu metalu ir organizmu.

Scientific Studies on Sesame Oil and Oil Pulling / Moksliniai sezamu aliejaus ir jo traukimo tyrimai 

Sesame oil is particularly high in the antioxidantssesamol, sesamin, and sesamolin. It also holds a high concentration of Vitamin E and polyunsaturated fatty acids. These antioxidants have been found to stop the absorption of negative forms of cholesterol in the liver. Multiple studies have shown the antibacterial capacities of sesame oil. These studies support the use of oil pulling in the prevention of dental cavities and gingivitis.Sezamu aliejus yra ypac turtingas antiokstidantu sezamoliu, sezaminu ir sezamolinu. Jame taip pat gausu vitamino E ir polinesociuju riebalu rugsciu. Sie antioksidantai stabdo negatyvaus cholesterolio absorbcija kepenyse. Keletas tyrimu parode antibakterines sio aliejaus savybes. Sie tyrimai patvirtina aliejaus kramtymo nauda del dantu ertmes ir dantenu gingivito prevencijos.
A 2007 study looking into the effect of oil pulling (with sunflower oil) on plaque and gingivitis on oral soft and hard tissues. Results found that after 45 days of oil pulling, subjects showed a statistically significant reduction in gingivitis.
2007-uju tyrimas su saulegrazu aliejumi parodo poveiki gingivitui ant minkstu ir kietu audiniu. Po 45dienu aliejaus kramtymo, tyriamieji parode statistiskai reiksminga dantenu uzdegimo sumazejima.
Another study , conducted in 2008 found a “remarkable reduction in the total count of bacteria” in the mouth, and an overall marked reduction in susceptibility dental cavities. The antibacterial activity of sesame oil was also studied and found to have an effect on the Streptococcus mutans in the mouth.
Kitas tyrimas, 2008-aisiais raso " ispudingai sumazintas bendras skaicius bakteriju burnoje ir bendra smarkiai sumazejusi dantu jautruma. Antibakterinis poveikis sezamu aliejaus taip pat tyrimuose rasta kad paveikia Streptokoko mutans poveiki burnoje.

In fact, these studies showed an overall reduction of bacteria from 10 to 33.4% in participants, and after 40 days of oil-pulling, participants were found to show 20% in average reduction in oral bacteria. Moreover, half of all participants in this case study showed a drastic reduction in susceptibility to dental caries.
Tiesa sakant, sie tyrimai parode visu bakteriju sumazejima nuo 10 iki 33.4% visu dalyviu, o po 40dienu aliejaus kramtymo, dalyviu burnos rode 20% maziau bakteriju. Taip pat puse dalyviu siuose tyrymuose dalyvavusiu parode drastiska sumazejima dantu eduonies jautrumo.
